Why “Ways?”


Hi, I’m Laurie-Ann Copple, an Ottawa/Toronto, Canada based media person.  I have attended various art schools, University of Toronto (Religious Studies) and Tyndale Seminary (Counselling Major).  After I was secretary of Anglican Renewal Ministries for ten years, I attended Algonquin College to turn a community radio hobby into something more through the two year radio broadcasting programme.

While I will always love radio, I will always hold true to my Christian faith.  This is a faith I’ve had since April 1988, and has grown especially on the ‘mission fields’ of Northern Ireland, Kenya, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, and later in Mozambique and South Africa.  I love to minister to Christians of all sorts and deepen their walk with God.  I worked as a volunteer at Kingdom Culture Ministries in admin/reception/pastoral care and in media, later as a social media assistant for Darren Canning Ministries, and then from August 2017 to January 2022, as an Iris Ministries Canada missionary.  We finally returned to Canada in 2022 for family care reasons, and for Tony’s health journey.

Why “Ways?” Why this specific call?  I was told on my first mission in Kenya that Christianity in Africa is a mile wide and an inch deep.  Therefore good solid teaching and devotional practice is essential.  I was asked to work on a talk called Christian Maturity for a SOMA Canada-led trip to Marsabit, Kenya in 2003.  That talk was expanded into a longer series for Pakistan, Sierra Leone and other areas of Kenya.  It was even further expanded when I turned the series into  a series of articles for a church newsletter called “Cornerstone” (for St Paul’s Kanata).  Now the series is expanding far beyond what I originally expected. It spread to Anglicans for Renewal Canada (Taste and See), and to this website, WaystogrowinGod.org.

As well as posting Ways articles, I also add some of my talks from mission trips.  Some people are quite interested in what I share when I’m overseas.  I also share in Canada and the US. I am excited about various opportunities to share in places closer to where we live in Ottawa.  Drop me a line on the “See L-A in person” page – I’d be happy to share at your venue. I have shared throughout the Ottawa valley, Montreal, in Toronto, and in southern BC while I lived there in 2013.

While we were based in South Africa, we did regular weekly broadcasts on CWCP (Copples Western Cape) Radio, an internet based station under Galcom Canada. We have 100 broadcasts podcasted on our missions site, Coppleswesterncape.ca. We also have a Ways to Grow in God podcast page, where I have been reading updated and new Ways to Grow in God devotional articles. We’ve grown from ten to nearly 80!

I trust you will find this site beneficial to your faith journey. There is so much depth to our Christian faith! I plan to continue more articles as Holy Spirit has me work through them.

Thanks for reading, and may God bless you as you journey along with me in faith.

Laurie-Ann Copple

Laurie-Ann with husband Tony

Laurie-Ann with husband Tony

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